Pokemon Korosu
This is a story of a young lady who finds herself in a difficult situation. Her family has been killed and she has been kidnapped by a harsh, mafia-like criminal group and has been doomed into a life of human slavery. PredictablyEventually, she escapes(with some help) and she sets out for a quest to get revenge against those who have ruined her life. That’s the 1st part of the story. The 2nd part of the story will have more to do with Pokemon Outlaw.
The game will take place in two very familiar regions. At first it will take place in the Sevii Islands. The 2nd part it will take place in Kanto. Both are very different from their originals. The Sevii Islands have become unstable and nearly all of them are controlled by different criminal groups of varying degrees of strength. Kanto is affected by the events Pokemon Outlaw and is in a grim condition, much different from the Kanto we all know and love.
WARNING: While this game is not as stupidly vulgar as Outlaw, it’s incredibly dark and violent. There’s also a couple instances of pretty bad profanity. It’d definitely get at least T(if not M) on ESRB.
- Physical/Special/Status Split(surprisingly easy to implement). Applies common sense to the battle experience.
- BW2 repel system.
- Some Gen 4-6 pokemon. Still mostly gen 1-3 pokemon.
- Pokemon Tournament instead of Elite Four/Pokemon League. 64 trainer tournament, inspired my love for american college basketball and their 68 team “March Madness tournament”.
- A completely new story, a bunch of new events and characters. Not merely a 8 badges, evil team, Elite four kind of game.
- Fixed that stupid trainer facing thing that made no sense,
- Trade evos by moon stone(some by water stone).
- Still NO FISHING. DEATH TO FISHING! (Honestly, I don’t hate fishing.
- Here’s good spot for a warning that this game will probably get really difficult at various points, particularly in the beginning(where you’re kind of put in a tough spot).
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